Advocates use legislation to help create new laws, change existing laws, and prevent harmful changes that would affect CHCs statewide. In 2024, Advocates is sponsoring or co-sponsoring the following legislation:
PPS Add-on Payments Supporting Minimum Wage Increases - AB 2303 (J Carrillo) - Sponsor
This proposal would seek to address the impacts of SB 525. Legislation would require the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to seek all the necessary federal approvals authorizing the development of an APM to adjust an FQHC’s PPS rate to cover the costs associated with a state-mandated wage increase.
LOCATION: Held in Assembly Policy Committee
Expedited Licensure - SB1067 (Smallwood-Cuevas) - Sponsor
This proposal would seek to create an expedited licensure process at relevant healing arts boards for future providers that can demonstrate that they intend to practice in a medically underserved area or serve a medically underserved population.
LOCATION: Awaiting an Assembly Floor Vote
Mexican Physician and Dentist Pilot Program Expansion & Temporary Extension - AB 2860 & AB 2864 (Garcia) - Co-Sponsor
This legislative proposal would extend the existing pilot program for 15 years seeking to bring approximately 150 Mexican physicians to provide care at CHCs throughout the state. The current pilot program, established in AB 1045 (2002, Firebaugh), allows for the Medical Board of California and the Dental Board of California to provide limited, three-year licenses to these providers to provide culturally and linguistically competent care for California patients. Currently there are thirty physicians in the pilot program providing care at four CHCs.
LOCATION: Awaiting Senate Floor Votes
Psychological Associates Services - AB 2703 (Aguiar-Curry) - Co-Sponsor
This proposal seeks to replicate the success of SB 966 (Limon, 2022) whereby FQHCs and RHCs would be able to seek reimbursement for the services associate psychologists provide under a supervising licensed behavioral health practitioner. Advocates would join as a co-sponsor.
LOCATION: Senate Appropriation Suspense
OSHPD 3 Reform - SB 1382 (Glazer) - Co-Sponsor
This proposal is a reintroduction of AB 1612 (Pacheco, 2023) which seeks to increase health access by streamlining licensing and building standard requirements while continuing to provide necessary patient protection. These heightened standards result in barriers to access for patient care because CHCs are required to utilize their funds for unnecessary construction costs rather than using the funds for patient care by opening additional sites in underserved areas.
LOCATION: Awaiting an Assembly Floor Vote
Social Determinants of Health Screenings - AB 2250 (Weber) - Co-Sponsor
This proposal is a reintroduction of AB 85 (Weber, 2023) which seeks to improve access to social determinants of health (SDOH) screenings, referrals, and community navigation services. It also aims to close the gap between community-based organizations (CBOs) and providers to improve follow-ups after screening and collaboration efforts with community organizations to assist patients with their needs.
LOCATION: Senate Appropriation Suspense